Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Help Continued

    I have finished 'The Help'. Although at first I seemed to be having a hard time connecting to the story, in the end I couldn't put it down. There are so many more dinamics to this story than I originally gave it credit for. Choosing to do the right thing isn't always easy. In this story, the main character (that is white) looses all her friends, boyfriend, and status because she feels that treating someone different because of their skin color is wrong.

    I discovered that the thing I was missing was right in front of my face all the time. The story is about not having prejiduces against people (for whatever reason) and that is something I feel very strongly about. It is an awesome example of rising up against adversity and sticking true to your own beliefs, despite what society might say.

   I realize that if this book was written 40 years earlier, there would be alot of controversy, but at this time, in this day it still feels appropriate. It reminds all of us to keep what we believe close to our hearts and remember who we are. I encourage everybody to look at their lives, and look at who influences their desicions, then make the promise to yourself that you will act according to your own concious and not to what society believes is right.

  I know that from now on I will take a look at my life, and stand up for what I believe to be true. I'm not saying its not ok to disagree about these things, but have enough respect to relize that just because someone might not agree with you, it doesn't make that person bad or evil. I guess I'm just trying to say that this book taught me to stand up for what I believe in, while still showing respect to other people and their ideals.

Book Hoarder

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